Public Participation at Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Ellicottville Memorial Library complies with the Open Meetings Law of New York State. Its meetings are open to the public.
The State’s Open Meetings Law does not include any provisions about the public addressing the Board during its meetings. However, Ellicottville Memorial Library will allow visitors to its meetings to address the Ellicottville Memorial Library Board. In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete its scheduled agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of thirty minutes of public participation will be permitted at the beginning of each meeting.
All persons wishing to address to the Board are required to sign in prior to the call of order and will be recognized in the order in which they signed–in. Each speaker is given a maximum of five (5) minutes to address the Board. If several persons wish to speak, each will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes until the public participation of 30 minutes is used. Persons who address the Board may speak only once per meeting and for no longer than a maximum of five (5) minutes each. Speakers must limit their topic to library matters only.
The Board President or the Trustee presiding at the meeting will introduce each registered speaker and will keep track of the time. The board appreciates comments from the public, but may not address the issues.
If the speaker wishes to share additional comments, he/she may schedule an appointment with the Library Director, who will then present a summary of that meeting to the Board.
Adopted April 21, 2005